
Day 45: Die, Gays, DIE!

Day 44: What We Do For Money

Day 43: Supersize My Life

Day 42: Dripping Crucifix: Leak Or Holy Water?

Day 41: Shame, Shame, Shame

Day 40: Another Horror Shooting

Day 39: Arms Sales

Day 38: Chemical Castration For Rapist

Day 37: Afghan Girls Poisoned In School

Day 36: Saving The World

Day 35: Bible Reader Murdered

Day 34: Superstitious Acts Of Evil

Day 33: Money Is Who We Are

Day 32: Those Kids Deserve To Suffer

Day 31: Failed By The System

Day 30: Who's Who In The Zoo

Day 29: Sweet Home, Alabama

Day 28: Mama Hates My Sprouting Breasts

Day 27: Angry Birds

Day 26: Free Willy! Not

Day 25: Monsanto

Day 24: Green For GO

Day 23: Osama Bin Laden

Day 22: Beauty Is Life

Day 21: I Am The Saviour Of Everything

Day 20: Beware The Bums

Day 19: Us vs. Them

Day 18: Cages For Crocodiles

Day 17: Wasted Promise

Day 16: Austrailian Billionaire To Rebuild Titanic

Day 15: Blame Crime, Not Money!