
Day 947: New Year Resolutions

Day 946: Reactions Upon Reactions

Day 945: Its Not Personal

Day 944: Turn it Into Something New

Day 943: Human Nature and Human Games

Day 942: Self Judgement as Self Sabotage

Day 941: Learning Something New

Day 940: Care Like it's Christmas

Day 939: Only You are Holding Yourself Back

Day 938: Don't Want to Face Reality

Day 937: Parents Know Best

Day 936: Its a Hard Life

Day 935: Overwhelmed by Information

Day 934: Heat of the Moment

Day 933: A Deeper Connection

Day 932: Flexibility and Imposition

Day 931: Purpose Compared to Nothingness

Day 930: Killing Me Slowly

Day 929: Actually, That Wasn't a Suggestion

Day 928: Selfish Designs

Day 927: Master, Slave and the Directive Principle

Day 926: Are You Enslaved to Your Mind

Day 925: Relationship Success Support: Unmasking the Macho Man

Day 924: Are You Master or Slave

Day 923: Give as You Would Like to Receive

Day 922: Change and Fear of Loss

Day 921: Sorry, Future Generations

Day 920: How do You Respond?

Day 919: Are You Certain?

Day 918: I'm Just Me and You're Just You

Day 917: The Limitations and Restrictions of Gender Roles

Day 916: Your Body's Gift

Day 915: Singular Perception Disorder

Day 914: Not Enough

Day 913: Not in Control

Day 912: Usury and the Evil in Humanity

Day 911: See the World with Fresh Eyes

Day 910: Secret Money Movements

Day 909: Is TTIP the Beginning of the End?

Day 908: Who am I?

Day 907: Preference vs Practicality

Day 906: MISunderstanding

Day 905: Excuses, Excuses

Day 904: Attacking vs Sharing

Day 903: Conflict of Priorities

Day 902: Preaching to the Deaf

Day 901: I am Insignificant

Day 900: The Correction Tools

Day 899: Can I Take it Back?

Day 898: The True Nature of Life

Day 897: Transforming Judgement into Understanding

Day 896: Why is it So Difficult to Ask for Help?