Day 83: Where Is Your God Now?

Look around you.

Many people say that every thing you see is here with the grace of God and is a part of God's Plan.

This is true. Kind of.

We would like to believe that there is a "man in the clouds" who directs everything and takes that pesky thing called "responsibility" so that we don't have to - the only problem with this whole belief is that is it based on - well, nothing but our own desire to not be responsible. And yet we are: we have created the world and shaped it to be as it is now, and therefore: we are God.

So that's why I say that everything you see is a part of God's Plan: Our plan - as we have planned and placed everything as it is now.


I forgive myself for not realizing that my choice is the choice which directs life as the manifestation of all I see around me.

I forgive myself for not realizing that I claim to have abdicated my choice so that I may blame an imaginary character for all the evils of the world.

I forgive myself for not realizing that we have used religion throughout time to justify our actions by spreading the belief that we are not actually responsible for our lives: God is.

I forgive myself for not realizing that each of us is God and that we shape the world as we walk in it.

I forgive myself for not realizing that through claiming "no choice" that we are living as if we have a "free pass" to do as we please because we tell ourselves that whatever we are doing is a part of God's Plan and therefore God must want us to live without regard for anyone but ourselves.

I forgive myself for not realizing that capitalism started as Christianity in that Christianity teaches that this world is going to be destroyed anyway and all will be judged, so people should do whatever they have to to live "the good life" now and through this ideology exploitation was created.

I forgive myself for not realizing that through my belief in God as Creator I am accepting and allowing every evil in the world to exist by justifying it as part of God's Plan, not realizing that I am just unwilling to stop the existence of suffering.

I forgive myself for not realizing that any action I take whilst not in the realization that I am God will be futile as I am not realizing my full effect on the reality of the world and therefore render myself ineffective.

I forgive myself for not realizing that as God, I am a part of existence as a drop of water is part of the ocean and as such I am able to effect changes on existence through standing within and as that which I commit myself to in totality.

I forgive myself for not realizing that through believing in God or a Higher Power that I am abdicating my power and capacity to act in the world as I am placing my "faith" in the hands of God, so to speak, and therefore believe that God has all the power to direct Life and that I have none.

I commit myself to showing people that our choices are what determine what we see and do in the world.

I commit myself to show people that our claim of "no choice" is in fact a ruse to convince ourselves that we are not to blame for the evils in the world.

I commit myself to showing people how religion has been a major contributor to the facade we all live by, through offering us "someone to blame"  or "someone/thing to take the fall" so that we don't feel responsible.

I commit myself to showing people that we are in fact this God and therefore we have only been blaming ourselves, thinking that we were blaming a separate being.

I commit myself to showing people how we have been using our belief in God and a Divine Plan to justify living selfishly and abusing others.

I commit myself to showing people how Christianity has led to Capitalism through introducing the idea that this planet is only a step to a more permanent life either in Heaven or in Hell, not realizing that this planet is ALL there is.

I commit myself to showing people how we are creating suffering through not taking responsibility for our actions.

I commit myself to showing people that each of us is the Shaper and Creator of this world/reality.

I commit myself to showing people that we are all one as a drop of water is one with the ocean and that every thing that one drop does influences the whole.

I commit myself to showing people that we have abdicated our power to a belief in an attempt to not take responsibility for the world which we have, in fact, created.
