Day 647: Why Don't You Change Even When You Really Want to?

Why don't you change - even when you know exactly how?

Why don't you change - even when you know exactly what has been keeping you from it and how to stop being distracted by those things?

Why don't you change - even when you've had a huge realisation?

Why don't you change - even when you know that how you're living is making you miserable?

Why don't you change - even when you know that the fear you feel is just another trap to keep you from changing?

Why don't you change - even when the shame of not changing leads you to depression?

Why don't you change - even when you know that waiting for inspiration to 'make' you change is just a fairytale and a disservice to yourself?

Why don't you change - even when you understand that it will not magically happen on its own and that you have to actively work to create the change?

Why don't you change - even after you've made the same mistake a thousand times over?

Why don't you change - even when you know exactly what will happen if you don't?

Why don't you change - even when you can clearly see how your actions hurt others?

Why don't you change - even when you can see that the only outcome of your current path is certain doom?

Why don't you change - even when you suspect that maybe how you live is not the only or best way to live.

Why don't you change - even when you suspect that what you so strongly believe may not be true?

Why don't you change - even when you hate yourself for the choices you have made?

Why don't you change - even when you see how the change would benefit your life?

Why don't you change?

There may be a million answers to these questions, but there seems to be one underlying tone that encompasses the entirety of humanity so that even when you really want to change and know how to do it, you just don't. Maybe you forgot all about the big realisation you had and went back to the daily motions of your life. Maybe you just haven't developed your discipline. Maybe...
