Day 439: Monkey See, Monkey Do

This continues from my previous posts starting here, please read for context.

A third means by which attitudes are formed can operate even in the absence of direct rewards for acquiring or expressing those attitudes. This process is observational learning, and it occurs when individuals acquire attitudes or behaviours simply by observing others (Bandura, 1997). For example... many people have acquired attitudes toward (and learn how to judge) different types of dances from watching "Dancing with the Stars", and different musical styles from exposure to "American Idol." Just think about how much observational learning most of us are doing as we watch television. 
Why do people often adopt the attitudes that they hear others express or imitate the behaviours they observe in others? On answer involves the mechanism of social comparison - our tendency to compare ourselves with others to determine whether our view of social reality is correct or not (Festinger, 1954). That is, to the extent that our views agree with those of other people, we tend to conclude that our ideas and attitudes are accurate; after all, if others hold the same views, these views must be right. But are we equally likely to adopt all others' attitudes, or does it depend on our relationship to those others? - Social Psychology (Twelfth Edition) - by Robert A Baron, Nyla R Branscombe, & Donn Byrne 

What really gets me about Psychology, is that it does nothing to actually bring awareness to, or enlighten people about how completely screwed up our society is - instead, it is functioning within the wonky structure of our shady morals to form a part of the rotten foundation upon which this society is built. Psychologists claim to want to help people - they do not. Psychology only digs the hole of delusion deeper, offering all these bullshit reasons of why people should integrate into and be a "useful" and "productive" part of this twisted system.

So, as is noted within the extract from the social psychology book above, psychologists have recognised how social training takes place - how people will adapt themselves, whether consciously or subconsciously, to fit in with how they perceive their society to be. So, following from this, psychologists could easily and reasonably conclude that children growing up in homes without decent role models and only the TV and other "delinquent" children to guide their social development would almost certainly turn into people with under developed social skills (alcoholism, murder, rape, attacks, verbal abuse, teen pregnancy), under developed mental capacity (failed school, unable to qualify in gaining entrance to study further in a tertiary education setup, unable to find work that pays more than minimum wage - if they ever end up working at all), underdeveloped health awareness (higher rates of STD's such as HIV/AIDS, higher rates of illness/disease caused by malnutrition or incorrect nutrition such as diabetes) and an underdeveloped sense of respect for life (this does fall under the social skills category, but is a large enough subject to earn 2 mentions).

If psychologists are so easily able to detect outcomes such as these, then why do they do so very little to change these outcomes, or develop solutions? Every psychology textbook I have studied so far gives nothing as to potential solutions, it only deals with "coping" in the current system - how to survive it and maybe even achieve some sort of happiness despite this world being the way it is. What psychology texts do have in abundance are suppositions, theories, hypotheses and educated guesses.

Where do psychologists show their dedication to improving life on a large scale? Where do they show any real interest in overcoming the constrictive and abusive mindsets that have taken a hold of us all? Where do psychologists strive to develop a way that humans can be better: respect life, respect themselves, understand their own minds, ask good questions, demand real answers? Psychology only plays into the hand of the system, strengthening the hold it has over us. It can not be said to be a pursuit into the understanding of the human mind - it is a pursuit into the further enslavement and indoctrination of the human mind. It discovers only enough to enable it to be able to guide our thoughts and behaviours that much more effectively.

Consider how corporations develop advertisements: they consult with psychologists to find out how our minds work in regard to one particular product, so that they can design their advert to be that much more effective in getting us to buy it. That is the work that psychology is used for - that, and the justification of the current design of the world, where people are told how "natural" and "normal" it is for them to be selfish, self-absorbed gonads.
