Day 140: I Sold My Kids To Feed Them

A mother in India was forced to sell her children after her husband tortured and evicted her and the children. She was unable to provide food for the children and so, out of desperation, gave them away - each child to a family.

Can you imagine? Selling your kids so that they can survive?

I forgive myself for not realizing that within our system, the price paid for our greed is not paid by us, but by those who are unable to help themselves, out of sight of our buckling dinner tables.

I forgive myself for not realizing that those of us who are fortunate enough to have money, or to be cared for by someone who has money, cannot possibly comprehend the desperation of selling one's children so that they will be fed - mainly in part due to our unwillingness to comprehend, our unwillingness to consider that our chosen lifestyle demands that others suffer, as we are not willing to consider the best lifestyle for all as that would mean we would no longer be "special", "rich", "famous" or "unique" - but simply equal.

I forgive myself for not realizing that the occurrence of the above event (and countless others like it) indicates that our system is severely biased toward a certain group of people, the "haves" and is biased against the "have-nots" - ensuring that the haves will continue to support the system as the elite decision makers, because the system supports them.

I forgive myself for not realizing that if the "haves" were suddenly forced into poverty, the system would change almost immediately due to these former elites wanting to save their own hides.

I forgive myself for not realizing that the only reason that poverty is accepted and allowed to continue is that those who have the power and ability to help will not, as they fear losing their money and they fear that changing the system will cause them to lose their money.

I forgive myself for not realizing that when we are out in the cold, money means nothing - only the warmth of a fire or a blanket will have value.

I forgive myself for not realizing that people do not want to understand the absolute choicelessness that exists within poverty.

I forgive myself for not realizing that those who live in poverty are unable to assist and support themselves to move out of the cycles of the past - they require assistance from those who are able to educate and support.

I commit myself to show people that there is a consequence for the lifestyle we have chosen and that it takes place just out of sight so that we do not have to feel guilt and acknowledge our responsibility.

I commit myself to educate people that we must first accept our responsibility toward the manifestations and consequences of this system before we will be able to do anything to change it.

I commit myself to showing people how the cycle of elitism is supported by the system and the eliste then in turn support the system.

I commit myself to showing people that the only reason that there has been no change is because those who have money are not willing to give up their sense of security.

I commit myself to showing people that every person who has money is consumed and driven by their fear of losing it and that this is why they have not risked changing the system to one that supports all life.

I commit myself to show people that money has no real value in this physical world - one cannot eat money, or use it to keep warm or use it to build a roof.

I commit myself to show people that their unwillingness to consider that those who live in poverty are truly choiceless is allowing the poverty to continue as in the minds of the people it is not truly poverty, but a choice made to live that way.

I commit myself to show people that in order to change the world we must assist and support those who are unable to assist and support themselves.
