Day 84: Just If I

Justify - Just if I

Read Creation's Journey To Life - Day 86: Matter Of Opinion for context.

Just if I have something to believe in that gives a reason to life, I won't feel quite so responsible.

Just if I have something to blame, I won't feel quite as much shame.

Just if I believe in an order and balance to life, I won't feel the need to change.

Just if I find something clever to say, no one will question my actions.

We have developed our world and system based on our justifications and opinions, though they appear to be one and the same at times: What is a belief if it is not an opinion? What other name can we give to blame?

I am studying a Marriage Guidance & Counseling module as a part of my Psychology degree and the entire concept of marriage guidance is based on getting a couple to a point where they are once again validating each others characters and stroking each others egos. I shouldn't have been surprised, but I was a little. We don't always consider just how deep the roots of our fuckedness have taken hold.

Every reason you have heard for the existence of suffering is based on someone's opinion.

I forgive myself for not realizing the harm I cause by living as an opinionator.

I forgive myself for not realizing that each and every time I use an opinion to justify something, that I am actually acting to satisfy my personal happiness instead of considering solutions to ensure that no abuse exists.

I forgive myself for not realizing that every time the thought "I have the right to my opinion" comes up and I do not stop it immediately, that I am actually participating in the machine that powers the system as it is now.

I forgive myself for not realizing that my opinions are what cause and continue to allow the world to exist as Hell on Earth as my opinions are used to justify the existence of every form of suffering imaginable.

I forgive myself for not realizing that we have given more importance to opinions than to the life of a child, or a hundred children, or the species of animal going extinct, or those we have already completely killed off, or a thousand children, or a million children.

I forgive myself for not realizing that every time I use the words "Just if I" that I am using one of my opinions to Justify why I shouldn't care or act for creating a better world and life for all.

I forgive myself for not realizing that whenever I become possessed by an opinion that justification will follow shortly to keep in I-am-always-right-Character.

I commit myself to showing the harm the opinions cause.

I commit myself to showing people the real reason for using opinions and justifications.

I commit myself to show people that any time that I am justifying an opinion that I am actually powering and perpetuating the current system of abuse.

I commit myself to showing people how we have each become the devil, delighting in suffering as long as we are not the ones who suffer because we accept and allow the justification of suffering when it is in fact unacceptable.

I commit myself to showing people that by living according to our opinions that we are giving more value to our opinions than to life.

I commit myself to showing people that the words "just if I" indicate the use of an opinion to make ourselves feel better for not caring about the abuse that we accept and allow.

I commit myself to showing people that justification follows opinion as if it is an armed escort to protect the opinion from being harmed by things such as common sense and consideration.


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