Day 101: Electric Tape Wrapped Around Dog's Muzzle

This dog was found beaten and with her muzzle taped shut with electric tape. Her tongue had swollen so much that most of it had to be surgically removed. The wounds covering her body required 100 stitches to close.

What part of this world is beautiful?

I forgive myself for not realizing that the extent to which humans have become psychologically damaged and twisted is so severe that we, as creators and shapers of this world, have created a mirror image of ourselves as torture, starvation, war, rape, profit, loss, poverty.

I forgive myself for not realizing that animal abuse is not an isolated "problem of society" - it is part of the larger global and HUMAN problem as it is a consequence of living according to self interest and ignorance as we live now.

I forgive myself for not realizing that as we are the Creators of the system we are also the Creators of torture.

I forgive myself for not realizing that each of us contains the capacity and ability to to torture once we allow ourselves to participate within thoughts of violence and harm.

I forgive myself for not realizing that we have no idea how the system works - and yet we have created the system which indicates that we have each given over our votes to a small number of humans who vote on our behalf so that we may live in ignorance.

I forgive myself for not realizing that these acts of abuse are escalating globally which indicates that we do not even know why they happen.

I forgive myself for not realizing that our current methods of attempting to subdue the inner demons that are emerging are not working as they are focused on simply suppressing the demon and acting like it's not there, while this will only escalate the intensity of its next visit out into the world of man.

I forgive myself for not realizing that we are each completely responsible for our own inner demons and yet also responsible for each other as each is in a position to support another in some way.

I forgive myself for not realizing that these inner demons are not a part of our nature, they exist and are here simply because we allow them to be.

I forgive myself for not realizing that we are now in the perfect position to educate ourselves as to how the system works and how it uses imagery and ideas to manipulate who we are and how we live, we are in a perfect position to educate ourselves and others how to stop participating and allowing the abusive system as it exists now.

I commit myself to showing people that the world is a mirror of who we accept and allow ourselves to be.

I commit myself to show people that every "problem" and "issue" in our world is all a part of ONE global system based on our self interest.

I commit myself to show people that we have accepted and allowed torture to exist.

I commit myself to show people how participation within thoughts is the starting point of the manifestation of an event such as torturing an animal.

I commit myself to show people how we have abdicated our votes in order to live in the illusion of safety and security, in ignorance of the multitudes suffering around us.

I commit myself to showing people that violent attacks and abuses are escalating globally and we must stand together to STOP them.

I commit myself to show people that what we are doing now in an attempt to subdue our inner demons is not working as the violence is escalating.

I commit myself to show people that we are all equally responsible for ourselves and each other and that this is what true love is.

I commit myself to show people that no part of who we are now is a part of our nature as something that we have no control over as we are the only ones who decide who we will be in every moment.

I commit myself to showing people that our technological lifestyles are ideal for educating ourselves and each other to come to a point of establishing a global system which will support all life equally and unconditionally.
