Day 72: Children Punished For Trying To Survive

I want you to think back to before the beginning of your life, back to when you made the choice to incarnate into this life you live now - oh, but wait... What is that you say? You don't remember ever making that choice?!? Impossible! That's like saying that children who live in poverty should be given food and shelter! Preposterous!

These gutter rats chose the lives they live. They chose to starve and be hungry and cold. Or maybe they're paying for being naughty in some other life. No matter that they don't realise this as they live the life of an impoverished street urchin, it's no less than they deserve and we should not help them because then they won't learn their life lesson.

Even if you don't believe in karma and reincarnation and whatnot, impoverished street urchins are simply a part of society and there are much more important things to spend money on than their health and development - like whiskey and golf and private jets and BIG GUNS! Obviously.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a system in which people are forced to steal to survive.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a system in which children must live on the streets as they have nowhere else to go.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a system in which children and people are punished for stealing food when they are starving.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a system in which there exists no support system for those who are unable, for whatever reason, to care for themselves.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a system in which buying guns and having an army is considered more important than ensuring food, shelter and education for every child.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a system in which petty grievances are used as justification for the "need to protect the country" instead of developing a worldwide peace.

I forgive myself for not realizing that blaming the existence of poverty and starvation on karma is nonsensical, as a child is born innocent in that it has no recollection of anything before this life and is essentially a new life.

I forgive myself for not realizing that blaming poverty on karma only serves as a justification so that we do not feel responsible or guilty for the existence of poverty.

I forgive myself for not realizing that the concept of a "life lesson" is only used to justify our lack of assistance in the most atrocious of events and circumstances.

I forgive myself for not realizing that justifying poverty as a normal part of society shows us that our idea of what society is is evil.

I commit myself to creating a new system in which food, shelter, warmth, education is guaranteed to and provided for all.

I commit myself to creating a new system in which all children will have a warm bed where they are given safety and love.

I commit myself to creating a new system that ensures that there will be no need for punishment for stealing to survive, as all will be taken care of.

I commit myself to creating a new system in which adequate support is given to those who are unable to support themselves in whatever aspects they require the support in.

I commit myself to creating a new system in which guns and any form of war will not be accepted and allowed.

I commit myself to showing people how to forgive each other and let go of ancient hurts in order to move forward toward a world and life that is best for all.

I commit myself to showing people that when a child is born, the child starts with a clean slate, as it brings nothing of the past with it - the child is empty - and therefore is innocent.

I commit myself to showing people that we use karma as a justification to not feel responsible, and yet we are responsible and must act within our responsibilities if we wish to ensure that the world becomes a place in which our children will all be guaranteed happy and healthy lives.

I commit myself to showing people that we accept and allow atrocities out of our willful ignorance and blindness by justifying the atrocities on some magical exterior, invisible entity such as 'God', 'karma' or 'life lessons'.

I commit myself to showing people how evil we are by accepting and allowing poverty to exist when it would be so easy to end it by letting go of our self interest and committing ourselves to living according to what is best for all.


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