Day 64: Man Chops Off Daughter's Head

A man in India chopped off his divorced, 20-odd year old daughter's head for "indecent behaviour".

In our day and age, it is easy to think of news stories as simply that: stories. We often forget that the stories actually happened - they are not some flights of fancy or scary movies.

The numbers that are given for bombing victims are not people - they are only numbers, aren't they?

It makes it easier to bear, for if we were to imagine these things happening in our own lives, as actually affecting us, we might open ourselves up to actually caring about what happens "out there" in the world... But that would mean sacrificing our self-enlightened, stable income, suburban, emotional safety nets.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a system in which the horror stories we read in the news are presented in such a way that mass-riots are not incited  as a result.

I forgive myself for not realizing that being able to read all of the horror stories we read without them evoking rage within us indicates simply that we do not care for anything which does not affect us.

I forgive myself for not realizing that if I read a horror story and do not feel pain and compassion for the subjects of the story, then I am simply a robot, going through life, completing one pre-programmed task after another without a moments consideration for anything outside my basic program parameters.

I forgive myself for not realizing that news agencies deliberately use numbers and "non-reactive" wording to mute the full extent of the horrors occurring in the world.

I forgive myself for not realizing that news agencies publish stories that will make them money, in a way that will make them money.

I forgive myself for not realizing that the fact that there are hundreds of horror stories in the news in a week means that there are thousands more that do not make it to the news.

I forgive myself for not realizing the full extent of the amount of people who are affected by horror stories daily as I have been equating them to numbers and labels as opposed to seeing them as beings who feel what I feel.

I forgive myself for not realizing that I have been seeing horror stories on the news as only stories, not realizing that they actually happened and caused misery and suffering for many, just as I would have felt were I in their position.

I forgive myself for not realizing that simply because I am fortunate enough to live in a place with less violence and cultural nuances than others, does not make me safe, it only makes me lucky. Within this I forgive myself for not realizing that just because I am lucky does not make me any less responsible for stopping the abuse in this world so that we may all live in Heaven on Earth together.

I forgive myself for not realizing that I don't care one bit for any of the people and other beings in these horror stories, I am only grateful that it was not me in the story. Within this I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a system which has perpetuated competition to such an extent that we compete for our very survival, rejoicing when we are not the losers.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a system in which news agencies make money from horror stories.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a system in which a man chopping off his daughter's head for indecency is justified as "Culture".

I commit myself to showing people that the horror stories we read in the news should incite a fury within us so that we may all stand together to ensure that such horror stories never have to be retold.

I commit myself to showing people that in order to create Heaven on Earth we must do for every person what we would want done unto ourselves.

I commit myself to showing people how to de-program themselves in order to really live with compassion and without the predetermined paths that we currently follow.

I commit myself to stopping the use of techniques by news agencies to "numb the blows" of horror stories, so that people will be less inclined to ignore what they see in the news.

I commit myself to creating a new system in which news agencies will not be profit-based, but will focus on truthful and uncensored reporting of news.

I commit myself to exposing the full extent of horror stories that occur daily all around the world so that denying the existence of a huge problem with out world system will be impossible.

I commit myself to show people how to stop desensitizing themselves by thinking of numbers and labels instead of living beings so that we may respect life enough to honour it.

I commit myself to showing people that the stories we read in the news are real and that no one and nothing should be objected to having to live through those horror stories.

I commit myself to creating a system in which all who are born are ensured a fortunate position in life, without misery and strife.

I commit myself to showing people that by living in a bubble without any compassion for the beings who we share this life with will inevitably be the end of us all as no one is willing to stand for those who cannot.

I commit myself to ending competition in all its forms, as it only leads to abuse and discrimination.

I commit myself to stopping forever every culture, as they are all cults in disguise which entrap people and allow abuse to take place and be justified.
