Day 62: Marijuana Is Illegal But Not Alcohol?

How many homes are influenced by alcohol abuse to some extent? How many deaths are the direct result of consuming alcohol?

Maybe because alcohol was first made in a Christian institution it is OK? God's chosen people created it and therefore God says that it's OK?

When alcohol is such a destructive substance, why is it not illegal like other narcotics?

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a system in which alcohol is legal simply because it is consumed by so many people that it would cause far too many "problems" to make it illegal, such as loss of profit.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a system in which the consumption of alcohol is acceptable because so many people do it, as if that which is accepted by many must be OK even if it is the cause of widespread misery.

I forgive myself for not realizing that the consumption of alcohol is not justifiable simply because my friends do it, as alcohol has a tendency to cause great pain to many people through many different ways.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a system in which that which is deemed socially acceptable is legal and yet that which is made to appear unacceptable is then illegal - regardless of actual facts and practical considerations such as if the item in question allows abuse or not.

I forgive myself for not realizing that alcohol is the cause of many of the horror stories I read in the news.

I forgive myself for not realizing that the only possible "good" that can come from alcohol is, in some cases, to see the demons residing within people come out and show their true colours.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a system which has allowed alcohol to become an integrated member of society.

I forgive myself for not realizing that drinking to get drunk is self abuse as the effect is that one becomes separated from oneself and that the body becomes completely intoxicated.

I forgive myself for not realizing that the effect that a substance like alcohol has on the body may not be as innocent and small as we imagine it is - anything that causes the body to experience the symptoms associated with alcohol consumption may otherwise be labeled as harmful.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a system in which the poor are plied with alcohol  to keep them caught up in their own misery so as to not consider the system which is so thoroughly fucking them.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a system which accepts and allows parents to consume alcohol and then become dangerous to their children.

I commit myself to showing people that the idea of alcohol as OK, despite the harm it causes, is abusive as it then allows all of the harm to befall the hapless victims far and wide.

I commit myself to showing people that alcohol is promoted as a social activity only because it makes so much money for a few powerful people.

I commit myself to showing people that following the flock of one's friends does not absolve one of the responsibilities one has to oneself and to those around one that may be harmed as a consequence.

I commit myself to creating a new system in which careful consideration will be taken into that which will be accepted and allowed and that which will not according to practical factors: substances that allow abuse in any way will not be accepted or allowed.

I commit myself to bring awareness to the destructive and harmful nature of alcohol.

I commit myself to teaching people to kill their inner demons so that they may never have the opportunity to come out and cause harm.

I commit myself to creating a new system in which alcohol will have no place.

I commit myself to showing people how self abusive alcohol is in that it removes one from reality of what is here.

I commit myself to showing people how harmful alcohol is to our bodies.

I commit myself to creating a new system in which there will be no poor and therefor no monetary misery that needs to be forgotten with alcohol.

I commit myself to create a new system in which no parent will touch a drop of alcohol for the sake of their children living in a home without abuse caused by alcohol.


  1. Mankind's self-abuse through toxic ingestion is a built in derivative of his greater scope, the planet. In Fact, once successfully settled in outer space the first Great Accomplishment is to clean up the debris in Outer Space caused by man's continual abuse to himself and his surroundings. The Only Answer To All Inquiries: CLEAN IT UP!


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