Day 56: NO! It's Impossible!

How many times have you heard scientists say that some new discovery was previously thought to be impossible? Like:
If someone had asked me before the expedition whether we would see under-ice blooms, I would have told them it was impossible

Cos we know everything.

I forgive myself for not realizing that just because someone is called an expert it doe not mean that they are actually experts.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a system in which we are encouraged to believe that our knowledge is infallible.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a system in which we are taught to be rigid and inflexible with our beliefs so that it is easier to manipulate us.

I forgive myself for not realizing that the media is more of a brainwashing tool than entertainment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a system in which culture is used to ensure control groups of people who will be easier to herd.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a system which promotes science and scientists to be always right, not realizing that science and scientists are both driven by money and are therefore liable to acting out of survival.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a system which uses the idea of knowledge superiority to exert a kind of manipulative calm on people so that no one questions the system so long as a "reliable source of knowledge" reassures them.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a system which uses the idea of knowledge superiority to shield people from realizing the true nature of the system.

I forgive myself for no realizing that my reliance on science and knowledge has led me to become ignorant and comfortable within that ignorance.

I forgive myself for not realizing how I have been responding to information which is represented as coming from a reliable source such as from scientists, as if it is some absolute truth that should not be questioned as I am not a scientist and therefore do not have the authority or ability to deny the truth of the information.

I forgive myself for not realizing that by thinking that I am incapable of and unable to obtain and discover information about things that scientists research, I am allowing my power to be given to the idea of science being always right and allowing dishonesty to take place within the science industry.

I commit myself to teaching people that our preconceived idea of what an expert is is unreliable and imprecise.

I commit myself to teach people to let go of ego as knowledge in order to move forward in a way that is best for all and not just what is apparently the best way for me.

I commit myself to teaching people to develop common sense so that we may question that which we assume to be true and test for ourselves whether it is reliable.

I commit myself to teaching people to stop being controlled by the media through applying self forgiveness and self corrective actions so that we become less like a herd and more like a community of individuals working together for a future that is best for all.

I commit myself to teaching people to let go of their ideas of culture and religion as it teaches them only how to be a robot.

I commit myself to showing people that anything done for/because of money is unreliable as the motive for the action is based on something other than working toward the best possible outcome.

I commit myself to showing people how we have been pacified, through our desire to be taken care of and not have responsibility, by presenting information as reliable and infallible.

I commit myself to showing people how the idea of reliable and unchallengeable information is used to ensure that we go with the herd and not ask any questions that may threaten the system.

I commit myself to moving out of my ignorance and taking self responsibility by confirming information wherever possible by testing for myself.

I commit myself to showing people that in order for us to ensure that our futures are happy and safe ones that we need to take responsibility for that information that is presented in the world and ensure that it is reliable.

I commit myself to showing people that by being complacent we are actually allowing the spread of misinformation that may harm us, within this I commit myself to showing people how we are able to take steps in ensuring that scientific information is reliable by removing the ulterior motives from researchers (such as survival) so that the focus is simply on the truth and discovery, such as through implementing an Equal Money System.
