Day 10: Teen Rapes Girl, Gouges Out Her Eye

Story from Pietermaritzburg, South Africa based newspaper, the Witness - 26/04/2012.

A 15 year old boy raped an 8 year old girl, bit her on the neck and gouged out her eye. The boy had previously been accused of raping another girl in the town where he lives.
The boy lived with his grandmother as his mother is forced to live in a distant city in order to work. The grandmother described the boy as a "normal" child and blamed his actions on "evil spirits" for the change in him. The boy allegedly dreamed, over the Easter weekend, of a man commanding him to commit "evil deeds".
The girl's eye was removed and the boy awaits trial.
3000 Cases of child rape are currently being dealt with by Childline in the province of Kwa-Zulu Natal alone.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to accept this current world system as it is without question.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing this current system to exist when it allows atrocities such as these to occur without even proposing a valid solution.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to blame the boy for being a savage and a rapist, not realizing that he is a product of our society, where vampires biting people is seen as erotic, sex is portrayed unrealistically everywhere, and mothers are forced to leave their children to earn enough to survive.

I forgive myself for accepting ad allowing myself to blame the parents of the boy without realizing that the parents have no free choice as very few people make enough money in order to live a life of dignity.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize that in our current money system, only those who have money have free will/free choice.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing this system of abuse and inequality to exist.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to participate within this system without considering the implications of a money-based value system where money has more value than life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to participate within the system with the goal of "getting ahead" so that I can live a 'comfortable life' without realizing that billions upon billions of beings are suffering every moment because of the way we live.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to blame television for the boys' actions, not realizing that the abusive and degrading content of TV and movies is just a symptom of our broken society.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to label our society as "normal" and "human nature" without considering that it's abusive nature is unacceptable and that we have the power and capacity to ensure that all life is respected and allowed to exist with dignity.

I commit myself to participating within this system with the understanding that I will do what I must in order to create and take opportunities to change the system to one that is best for all.

I commit myself to not using labels such as "rapist" when the person in question is simply a product of society and therefore has no real power over where their life goes, I will instead do whatever I am able to promote a system that will heal our global community and take care of all of our children.

I commit myself to be aware of the implications and consequences of our current money system and to question all of my preconceived ideas of what is "normal" and "human nature" when it is in fact abuse.
